Event 1 Blog -- Marta De Menezes LunchTalk
On April 26, I attended the Lunchtime Talk Event and got to hear from artist Marta de Menezes. De Menezes emphasizes the importance of and encourages the collaboration of artists and scientists. We got to hear about her two organizations Cultivamos Cultura and Ectopia, which help put on events and symposiums to explore the possibilities that intersectional fields of study can bring about. (Cultivamos Cultura 2023). Group photo of all attendees with Marta de Menezes Within these different sessions/events they host, they invite one scientist and one artist to discuss how their respective fields/knowledge are applicable to a specific topic. Through this method, Cultivamos Cultura is able to create the platform to raise awareness and realization for people that the interrelation of different fields of study are not in fact that different. This prompts people to think about how when working together, different fields of study can expand on their knowledge. One thing in part...