Week 8 Blog -- Nanotech + Art -- Phoebe Nguyen

  Although nanotechnology is not commonly a topic of discussion on the daily for many, it is a major field of study that has contributed to the existence of many things present in our daily lives. Nanotech is a great source for scientific development but also for artistic development. Nanotech has led to different ways for scientists to manipulate atoms and create different molecular structures. A UCLA graduate student spent two days creating a stable environment for her to be able to manually drag certain molecules out in order to create her desired image of “UCLA” (Gimzewski 13:42). 

Gimzewski, Jim. “UCLA Graduate Student Manipulating Carbon. Monoxide Molecules to Say ‘UCLA.’” Nanotech Jim Pt2, 2012, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEp6t0v-v9c&t=826s. Accessed 23 May 2023. 

Although this student used this knowledge to create a fun image, the field of nanotechnology has allowed for a greater understanding of molecular structures, allowing scientists to better identify structures of cells to see if there is an indication of disease (Gimzewski 6:41). This is a major development in the healthcare field! 

Scientists Measure Differences Between Normal and Cancer Cell Surfaces

Sokolov, Igor. “Scanning Electron Microscope Images of a Cancerous (Left) and Normal Cell, Showing the Differences in Cell ‘Brush.’” Scientists Measure Differences Between Normal and Cancer Cell Surfaces, 2009, https://phys.org/news/2009-05-scientists-differences-cancer-cell-surfaces.html. Accessed 23 May 2023. 

Chemist Samuel Stupp has also applied his knowledge of nanotechnology to study molecules that can self-assemble in the body. His work will contribute to the goal of creating the technology that allows for the regeneration of tissues and organs in the human body (Gimzewski 12:17). 

Scientists have also been able to work in conjunction with product developers to bring the knowledge of nanotech into our daily lives. The phenomenon of gecko feet being very sticky for long periods of time has led to the development of reusable tape as scientists have been able to recreate the nanostructure of gecko feet (Gimzewski 7:22). 

Beyond the creation of new products, nanotech has also backed the world of art; specify the world of color. Physicist Richard Feynman studied how manipulation on an atomic scale can lead to new possibilities and new forms of color based on the manipulation of the size of a certain nanoparticle (Gimzewski 7:42). This field of study has contributed to the market of cosmetics as cosmetic companies are now able to create a large variety of products with less toxic pigments (Gimzewski 3:10). 

What gives gold nanoparticles their color? – Sustainable Nano

Kondinski, Aleksandar. “Solutions of Gold Nanoparticles. The Solution Colors Change as the Size of Gold Nanoparticles Increase.” What Gives Gold Nanoparticles Their Color?, 12 Nov. 2019, https://sustainable-nano.com/2019/11/12/gold-nanoparticles-color/. Accessed 23 May 2023. 

Although considered a field of the sciences, nanotech has been able to find new and innovative ways of knowledge that have impacted many different fields; as seen in the different products we use on the daily. 


Gimzewski, Jim. “Nanotech Jim pt1.” Youtube, UC Online, 21 May 2012, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7jM6-iqzzE&t=462s 

Gimzewski, Jim. “Nanotech Jim pt2.” Youtube, UC Online, 21 May 2012, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEp6t0v-v9c&t=822s 

Gimzewski, Jim. “Nanotech Jim pt3.” Youtube, UC Online, 21 May 2012, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0HCNiU_108&t=442s  

Gimzewski, Jim. “Nanotech Jim pt4.” Youtube, UC Online, 21 May 2012, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHCuZetAIhk&t=190s 

Gimzewski, Jim. “Nanotech Jim pt5.” Youtube, UC Online, 21 May 2012, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4OWc8nmHJmY&t=737s  


Gimzewski, Jim. “UCLA Graduate Student Manipulating Carbon. Monoxide Molecules to Say ‘UCLA.’” Nanotech Jim Pt2, 2012, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEp6t0v-v9c&t=826s. Accessed 23 May 2023. 

Kondinski, Aleksandar. “Solutions of Gold Nanoparticles. The Solution Colors Change as the Size of Gold Nanoparticles Increase.” What Gives Gold Nanoparticles Their Color?, 12 Nov. 2019, https://sustainable-nano.com/2019/11/12/gold-nanoparticles-color/. Accessed 23 May 2023. 

Sokolov, Igor. “Scanning Electron Microscope Images of a Cancerous (Left) and Normal Cell, Showing the Differences in Cell ‘Brush.’” Scientists Measure Differences Between Normal and Cancer Cell Surfaces, 2009, https://phys.org/news/2009-05-scientists-differences-cancer-cell-surfaces.html. Accessed 23 May 2023. 


  1. Hello Phoebe,
    I enjoyed reading your blog. I found the example of the UCLA student image very interesting since while simplistic, it's a good way to illustrate how atoms and molecules can be manipulated to create desired products, which is the broad understanding of nanotech. It's also fascinating to know that color can be manipulated by changing the size of a particle, even though it involves the same particle.


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